Monday, April 29, 2024

Getting closer to a daily driver.

Got some 80’s gold all in one picture  
Shop hangs 
Got a mtn bike dropper lever for the new decomp lever. Feels great compared to all the plastic ones I’ve ever used. 
Now I get to learn about rollers and springs, let’s make a wheelie bike that goes 50! 

 Got some cables wrapped up and got the wires tucked in. Just need to find out what wires need what end to fit correctly into the stock wiring harness. 

Got the old key out of the stock light and made a hole for it in the new bucket. Feels nice to have some stock Honda stuff still doing its job. 

Soon I’ll dig into the wires, variator, seat cover and floorboards. 
Basically this is now my todo list with a few pictures. 

Sunday, April 28, 2024

New treats and marketplace deals

Getting new tire on soon but the fork springs are cut to get the hobbit from chopper to proper. 

Took 9 coils off each side to drop it about 3 inches. The spring had a progressive coil on it so I cut the softer end to help keep the fork from bottoming out now that it’s shorter travel. 

The kickstand just sits level and I have to weld something on the bottom of the feet if I want to be able to pedal it on the kickstand. 

Never thought I’d post here again, but here I am and maybe one or two folks will see this and get stoked. 

Got new tires, bars, light, throttle and cable stops from treats. Then snagged a Facebook marketplace deal on some nicer tires and now the stoke to get this together is high  

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Not a moped but it's 50cc. Closer to one then the magnum I guess.

Had to cut this to make it sit flat on the frame.

Crappy cut out that does the job.

Cutting foam and crap. 

All apart aside for the freshly covered seat!

Oh man, when this thing starts up for the first time...

Saturday, December 10, 2011

winter seat blues

the never ending project.

 seat pan. end cut off.
 lame o mock up with the seat pan
 covered seat
with foam and everything.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Garelli Team kit brought to you by Jeremy Shay

whhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!? you know these kits have been floating around at Treatland for a while so Jeremy Shay nutted up and got one. It runs but plans to upgrade the reeds are in the works! so sick.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Brandon and Jesse came to my house

these dudes came over

got the tires and the malossi gears on the ciao. its finally coming together! unfortunately i dont have the tools here to remove the bearings and get my engine together so Brandon is bringing it to Minneapolis to get the bottom end together.

i might have too many mopeds

then we got some tacos

Monday, April 25, 2011

Garelli cdi box alternatve

the E50 cdi box/coil works on the garelli cdi so i got one and put it on. it helps clean up the wires a lot

Sunday, April 10, 2011


AJ's buddy Tony and his friend Matt came out with his yamahopper that had been cutting out while he was riding. Popped the carb open and you couldnt see through the jet. Cleaned it out and runs like a champ now. If only it were always so easy.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Baby G stuff

I dont remember if AJ had posted this or not, but as you may know garelli made a different version of the NOI for the Katia. This engine is basically the same as a regular NOI except is sightly smaller/thinner. Some of the parts are interchangeable, but most are not. One of the parts that can be swapped including, you guessed it, the main gear. The Katia main gear is nearly half as thin as the regular NOI gear. All the benefits of a lightened main gear without using a lathe on yer old one.

Malossi piston lookin soooooooo good still. Full synthetic oil is the best. I have been running this (awesome and super rare) kit for almost 2 years now and it looks as good as ever. RAD

Monday, April 4, 2011

Jeni Rae's General

dont know why the one pictures is so dark. new cables and controls on Jeni Rae's General. this is a big ass moped.