Tuesday, December 22, 2009


So my Ciao has been coming along pretty nicely. I have just about every part lined up or in my hands, which is rad. It's crazy to me how much money I have spent on this bike and I could easily spend more. Fucking mopeds i tell ya. I'm still waiting on a new front wheel, headlight, variator, engine, pipe and a carb. but i should have all that by mid january thanks to brad! all i need now is a belt and a tail light. hurrrrrayyyyyy
anyway i thought i would post some photos of my progress so farrrr. 

a few people have told me i should cut the forks but i think im going to leave them the way they are until i actually ride the bike.


merry christmas!


Unknown said...

i see you've got a rear variated wheel and clutch, does that mean you don't need my variated stuff? man, that bike looks so good. it's insane. i love that color, especially with the black mags. good job man

Brandon said...

i'll have to talk to you about that man, i think my clutch is o
??, but the transmission is pretty messed up. maybe you can take a look at it when you come and tell me what you think.

Anonymous said...

yeah dude, that bike looks sick, nice work!