Wednesday, June 23, 2010


well a lot has happened since the last time one of us chumps posted something on here. been real busy shredding mopeds nearly everyday. none of us have a working computer or a decent camera anymore to actually make posts worth a darn.

Derek bought my black ciao frame, and i bought a stock fully rigged ciao with the money.

i bought a grande rear wheel and variator from a couple a mile away for 20 bucks 2 days later and tossed that on there. it has great lowed but its still only going 21mph.
i also picked up a pair of pit bike forks and found a pit bike disk rotor that would mount to a 17" garelli rear snowflake.  and tossed them on the white ciao, i had to cut the headtube on my frame and drill out the steer tube on the tripple tree in order to get them to work, but it was worth it.the whole cost me about $235 total. if you're interested let me know and i'll try and get you links to everything. maybe i'll make a post about it later...anyway  so much stop!
Im running my taillights on a 12v lawn mower battery now and they last a good 8 hrs of constant use before needing a recharge. pretty dialed.

Finally got this gem running today!
 the thing is awesome. so much torque! i love rigids!!! after giving this bike away last fall, it finally runs.

 i recently moved into a new place, and im now living with jesse. and we have been puttting in alot of work trying to get the garage in decent shape, and its really been coming along. we have TONS of 2 wheeled things its nuts.
next to the garage...

storage side....

it doesn't look like much but i love it. and i love living here.

love it.


Derek Vanasse said...

That front fork/brake set up looks awesome to share more details on it?

Anonymous said...

finally! an update! i've been so busy with work. i've had no time for mopeds. sucks, but that's how it goes for now. maybe tomorrow afternoon i can get my blue ciao working, we'll see. i need to figure out a longer axle/sealed bearings for a front wheel to fit on the bravo forks, and put a top end on the engine! whew.